Experiencing devastating events or losses doesn’t mean your only choices are to break like an egg, or lay down like a beanbag and give up on the rest of your life. I believe we all have a third choice. I believe we can all choose to bounce.
Read MoreI recently had the honor of being interview by Tracy Malone, founder of NarcissistAbuseSupport.com, a valuable resource for survivors of narcissistic abuse.
Read MoreWe all think we want clear skies. We hope for them, and we curse the storm clouds when they inevitably appear on the horizon. The hard-to-swallow reality,
Read MoreI’m calling bullshit on one of the greeting card industry’s favorite phrases. You’ve lost a loved one? Time heals all wounds. You’ve ended a significant relationship? Time heals all wounds.
Read MoreI was on the phone recently with the customer service department of a big company. The woman on the other end of the line was very nice and trying earnestly
Read MoreA recent moment with a horse made me think of what I call “foxhole friends.” They’re the friends who don’t hesitate to jump into the foxhole with you when the loss bombs start
Read MoreLife sends plenty of wind our way; a belligerent person, unexpected hardships, and difficult changes. In the face of that foul weather, our society seems to glorify those
Read MoreIt comes down to this: what we look for is what we see. Sometimes that’s ALL we see. When you look for all the things that are going wrong, you SEE all the things that are going wrong.
Read MoreWhen you experience a traumatic event, loss, or unexpected life transition, it’s easy to feel very alone; like nobody understands you, what happened to you, or how it changed you.
Read MoreThe first lesson you learn when you work at a ranch is that horses poop. A lot. No sooner do you pick up the last pile in the paddock than it’s time to start all over at the other end.
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